Source code for streamparse.storm.spout

Module to add streamparse-specific extensions to pystorm Spout class

import pystorm

from ..dsl.spout import JavaSpoutSpec, ShellSpoutSpec
from .component import Component

[docs]class JavaSpout(Component):
[docs] @classmethod def spec( cls, name=None, serialized_java=None, full_class_name=None, args_list=None, par=1, config=None, outputs=None, ): """Create a :class:`JavaSpoutSpec` for a Java Spout. This spec represents this Spout in a :class:`~streamparse.Topology`. You must add the appropriate entries to your classpath by editing your project's ``project.clj`` file in order for this to work. :param name: Name of this Spout. Defaults to name of :class:`~streamparse.Topology` attribute this is assigned to. :type name: `str` :param serialized_java: Serialized Java code representing the class. You must either specify this, or both ``full_class_name`` and ``args_list``. :type serialized_java: `bytes` :param full_class_name: Fully qualified class name (including the package name) :type full_class_name: `str` :param args_list: A list of arguments to be passed to the constructor of this class. :type args_list: `list` of basic data types :param par: Parallelism hint for this Spout. See :ref:`parallelism`. :type par: `int` :param config: Component-specific config settings to pass to Storm. :type config: `dict` :param outputs: Outputs this JavaSpout will produce. Acceptable forms are: 1. A `list` of :class:`~streamparse.Stream` objects describing the fields output on each stream. 2. A `list` of `str` representing the fields output on the ``default`` stream. """ return JavaSpoutSpec( cls, name=name, serialized_java=serialized_java, full_class_name=full_class_name, args_list=args_list, par=par, config=config, outputs=outputs, )
[docs]class ShellSpout(Component):
[docs] @classmethod def spec( cls, name=None, command=None, script=None, par=None, config=None, outputs=None ): """Create a :class:`ShellSpoutSpec` for a non-Java, non-Python Spout. If you want to create a spec for a Python Spout, use :meth:`~streamparse.dsl.bolt.Spout.spec`. This spec represents this Spout in a :class:`~streamparse.Topology`. :param name: Name of this Spout. Defaults to name of :class:`~streamparse.Topology` attribute this is assigned to. :type name: `str` :param command: Path to command the Storm will execute. :type command: `str` :param script: Arguments to `command`. Multiple arguments should just be separated by spaces. :type script: `str` :param par: Parallelism hint for this Spout. For shell Components, this works out to be the number of processes running it in the the topology (across all machines). See :ref:`parallelism`. :type par: `int` :param config: Component-specific config settings to pass to Storm. :type config: `dict` :param outputs: Outputs this ShellSpout will produce. Acceptable forms are: 1. A `list` of :class:`~streamparse.Stream` objects describing the fields output on each stream. 2. A `list` of `str` representing the fields output on the ``default`` stream. """ return ShellSpoutSpec( cls, command=command, script=script, name=name, par=par, config=config, outputs=outputs, )
[docs]class Spout(pystorm.spout.Spout, ShellSpout): """pystorm Spout with streamparse-specific additions"""
[docs] @classmethod def spec(cls, name=None, par=None, config=None): """Create a :class:`~ShellBoltSpec` for a Python Spout. This spec represents this Spout in a :class:`~streamparse.Topology`. :param name: Name of this Spout. Defaults to name of :class:`~streamparse.Topology` attribute this is assigned to. :type name: `str` :param par: Parallelism hint for this Spout. For Python Components, this works out to be the number of Python processes running it in the the topology (across all machines). See :ref:`parallelism`. .. note:: This can also be specified as an attribute of your :class:`~Spout` subclass. :type par: `int` :param config: Component-specific config settings to pass to Storm. .. note:: This can also be specified as an attribute of your :class:`~Spout` subclass. :type config: `dict` .. note:: This method does not take a ``outputs`` argument because ``outputs`` should be an attribute of your :class:`~Spout` subclass. """ return ShellSpoutSpec( cls, command="streamparse_run", script="{}.{}".format(cls.__module__, cls.__name__), name=name, par=par, config=config, outputs=cls.outputs, )
[docs]class ReliableSpout(pystorm.spout.ReliableSpout, Spout): """pystorm ReliableSpout with streamparse-specific additions""" pass