Developing Streamparse


Install Leiningen according to the instructions in the quickstart.

Using Local Clojure Interop Library

You can tell lein to point directly at streamparse’s Clojure repo and use the code there for all of the interop commands, so that you can test changes while developing.

To do this, add a directory called checkouts and symlink it up:

mkdir checkouts
cd checkouts
ln -s ../../../streamparse/jvm streamparse
cd ..

Now, comment out the com.parsely/streamparse dependency in project.clj. It will now pick up the Clojure commands from your local repo. So, now you can tweak and change them!

Local pip installation

In your virtualenv for this project, go into ~/repos/streamparse (where you cloned streamparse) and simply run:

python develop

This will install a streamparse Python version into the virtualenv which is essentially symlinked to your local version.

NOTE: streamparse currently pip installs streamparse’s released version on remote clusters automatically. Therefore, though this will work for local development, you’ll need to push streamparse somewhere pip installable (or change requirements.txt) to make it pick up that version on a remote cluster.

Installing Storm pre-releases

You can clone Storm from Github here:

git clone

There are tags available for releases, e.g.:

git checkout v0.9.2-incubating

To build a local Storm release, use:

mvn install
cd storm-dist/binary
mvn package

These steps will take awhile as they also run Storm’s internal unit and integration tests.

The first line will actually install Storm locally in your maven (.m2) repository. You can confirm this with:

ls ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/storm/storm-core/0.9.2-incubating

You should now be able to change your project.clj to include a reference to this new release.

Once you change that, you can run:

lein deps :tree | grep storm

To confirm it is using the upgraded Clojure 1.5.1 (changed in 0.9.2), run:

lein repl